Brigitte – from 90 to 99

Sunday 11 August 2013. Day 90.

The early start of Saturday has become the routine on this our second day. Where there had been some doubt as to whether or not we would fly on Saturday the weather this morning looks eminently flyable.

We set up and await Pete’s return. The decision is positive and before long “Tatti” is in the sky and away and the retrieve crew are off in pursuit. The wind direction takes the balloon off towards Bath landing up on Landsdown next to the race course

Monday 12 August 2013. Day 91.

It is Jez’ twenty eighth birthday and we are in Cornwall to see him for his birthday. I am wondering where all of that time has gone! The first seven or so years were “normal”. The last ten years since I have been with Niki have been “settled”. The intervening years between seven and nineteen were mixed. The Michele years being the, for me, low point. With the arrival of Isaac I’m bouyed by new life and the bonds that we share, my son and I.

Tuesday 13 August 2013. Day 92.

We spend most of today sorting out stuff, bombing around St Austell on the scoot and making an appt for Niki’s hair tommo

Wednesday 14 August 2013. Day 93.

Already we have been here at Doubletrees for three nights – time flies even when the wheels are not turning! This morning we are greeted with the sound of raindrops beating out a tune on the Heiki rooflight. I make tea and read while Niki dozes. We hope that the rain will let up in time for us to go up to Mount Charles where Niki is having her hair coloured and cut.

For the third meal I am eating the last of my monster Dominos pizza. The rain seems to have let up but there are some ominous black clouds over Eden.

We tog up in our nylon jackets ready for the journey. Niki decides she needs to wear her waterporof leggings and I take my Bali rain poncho, as insurance. Loaded up we set off and before long I feel the drops of rain begin to fall. By the time we reach Tesco’s, where we need to draw some cash from a hole in the wall machine, the rain is monsoon like. Under cover of their entrance, I don my silver cape and sensing a slackening in the rainfall we set off for Mount Charles.

Traffic is never easy in St Austell when it rains and today is no exception to that rule. Having a scooter enables me to nip in and out in a way that driving a car one could never do and so we reach the hairdressers in time. I drop Niki off with a soggy kiss and head down to mum and dad’s.

As I arrive dad is in the hallway. I must give him a start as I draw the scooter up on his front pathway. Who is this silver poncho, white helmet and dark sunglasses wearing infidel who has breached the gate?

Dad quickly identifies me and I gain admittance to the utility room where I disrobe the wet wetweather gear. With a warming cup of tea in hand I update mum and dad on our news from Jez birthday on Monday and our activities yesterday. Mum gets a surprise as I tell her that I have seen her in Brian and Sonia’s car.

A nuisance call which simply shows on their phone as an “international call” provides an opportunity to register them on the telephone preference scheme. Let us hope that, over time, this will reduce the number of nuisance calls that they get.

I use the internet to research cars for Sarah tracking down Citroen Berlingos in Birmingham, Havant, Wales, Devon and Cornwall. I spend yet more time researching gas cylinders for the motorcaravan. Eventually Niki phones, her hair is done and she decides that because it is not raining, she will walk down rather than risk having a motorcycle helmet hairdo. When Niki arrives she looks stunning, her hair is glowing red and the stylist has clipped it in an interesting take on Niki’s normal style.

Sarah and I exchange What’sApp messages about cars and I learn that the hoped for Berlingo Quicksilver is not going to be up to snuff. In Sarah’s words it is an “Epic fail!”.

I turn my attention to finding a battery trickle charge / conditioner. It seems that to get one you have to pay around twenty pounds at least. Many are between thirty and forty pounds with some costing even more. I should have bought two when I bought the one that is hooked up to the Goldwing in Cyprus!

we go to mum and dad’s for supper. Braised beef, roast pots and veg followed by strawbs, rasps & ice cream, red wine – and leave stuffed! Happily we manage the journey home without being rained on.

Back at the site there is some excitement. A gentleman of mature years has fetched himself up between the A class motorhome in front of us and the caravan alongside it. A couple of the other people staying on the site mention that the Police have been in attendance. I watched as the proprietress of the site spoke to the man and possibly handed him a tablet, perhaps a pain killer? She agreed that he could erect his tent where he came to rest.

Until darkness fell I have the sense that people on the site are on edge because of this man. As night draws in he has put up his tent and sits gazing out towards the sea.

Thursday 15 August 2013. Day 94.

Sarah is on the phone early. She wants us to go scouting out cars together when Jacob wakes up. By just after ten Sarah is here and we are off. We chat about the car I found in Havant and agree that it is a long way to go if the car proves to be a dud. Should the car prove to be as good as it sounds it will however be a bargain.

We go first to Woodlands Road and look around the outside of a Renault Kangoo and a few other estate cars. Then we are off to Newquay, calling in at Hawkins at St Stephens where all of the style of vehicle Sarah wants to buy are too new and therefore too expensive. In Newquay we look at a rather tired looking Berlingo on a lot with six vehicles at Trevemper Road filling station. Then we are off to Penzance driving down the coast road we happen upon a couple of used car places that yield nothing of interest. We motor into Penzance where St Michael’s Mount remains the gem on the sky line. At GMO cars they have a selection of Berlingos all of these look rather sad and well worn.

We head back towards St Austell and back to Woodland Road garage where we take the “10 plate” Kangoo for a test drive. The sales guy Dave, provides the blurb on the vehicle and offers £1500 for the Megane. This against such an expensive, young, low mileage vehicle feels derisory. We head for Vospers where Sarah has spotted an older Fiat Doblo. We go for a test drive, in the company of the sales rep. This one owner vehicle has given good service to its owner who has traded it against a new smaller Fiat, a rather intriguing small box of a vehicle called a Qubo what Parker’s describes as “a small people-carrier that majors on practicality and family-friendly features”. Let us hope their purchase meets their needs. Back now to the Doblo, this vehicle is much loved by city taxi firms, it is a workhorse that is practical and with seven seats can transport a driver and a five a side team and reserve player! Such a vehicle will be flexible in meeting the needs of Sarah and Jacob.

At the garage Sarah enquires about p/x on the Megane and salesman Shane makes her an offer of two thousand two hundred pounds. Clearly there is a big margin in the Doblo. The question is, can we use this to our advantage? To extinguish the financing on the Renault will cost fifteen hundred and ten pounds. Sarah is then buying the Doblo for seventeen hundred and ninety five pounds. The total cost for Sarah to change will be three thousand three hundred and five pounds.

The Doblo will have a new mid-section to its exhaust, the rear brake cylinders will be replaced, the glow plug issue will be resolved, the cam belt will be replaced, three tyres will be replaced, the van will be serviced.

Friday 16 August 2013. Day 95.

A beautiful morning awaits when we awake. We breakfast in our established routine. Niki reads, I edit some photos from an archive on the laptop. I phone Sarah and she says that my timing is impeccable as she has just finished her Slimming World call. We agree to drive up to Sarah’s and meet up there. When we arrive Sarah says that she feels the need to go to St Blazey to buy fuel and also to hoover out the Scenic. Niki and I entertain Jacob aided by a certain youtube video in which a gap toothed boy puts his fingers in his ears and sings “La, la, la… la, la, la… la, la, la”. Jacob immitates the action and dances around beaming smiles at us. The video is somewhat disturbing to us adults and Niki looks up its meaning on wikipedia. The story comes from Bolivia and intersperses dark spirits who live in mines with the power that being a deaf child gives… look it up if you want to know more! Sarah thinks that as Jacob cannot know the implication of most of the symbols in the video that allowing Jacob to watch is not an issue.

When Sarah gets back to the house her first words are “What do you think of the photos of the car that I sent you?”. The vagaries of mobile phone connections being what they are my response is “What photos?”. Sarah shows me the photos of a silver Saab estate car and explains who she believes owns the car, the condition and mileage of the vehicle.

We drive down to St Blazey Filling Station to take a look at her. This leads Sarah to call the vehicle owner who agrees to come to the site and meet us with the keys. He is Barrie Richards and he drives up in a 60 plate Isuzu Rodeo truck. He explains the car which he has owned from new and also takes us for a test drive. We discuss the price, look at the printed valuation and after checking the cost of a pair of replacement front tyres agree that at three six fifty we would be on a deal.

Back at the house we meet up with Niki and Jacob. It is now early afternoon and we decide to go into town for lunch at the Duke of Cornwall pub at Mount Charles. We get there at just after two thirty and the friendly helpful staff agree to prepare three nacho dishes for us. With lunch over we head back to Sarah’s where I complete the electronic funds transfer to Barrie and Jean’s account.

Barrie phones a few minutes later to say that the money is in their account and we drive to the address in St Blazey Gate. There the car is sitting on the driveway ready to go. We complete the DVLA paperwork and Sarah signs a purchase disclaimer that Barrie produces. I drive the Saab back to Sarah’s, driving the vehicle for the first time. It is an impressive machine, refined and powerful, yet reassuring.

Sarah is itching to drive the car and so with me in the passenger seat she sets off. We do a loop down and around Bugle, then up to Stenalees and across the road that links back to Penwithick. Sarah is just as impressed with the car as I was. She beams from ear to ear as she drives along.

Back at Sarah’s Jacob gets a bath from Gran and Grandpa meanwhile Sarah is whirling the hoover around the house like a dervish. Jacob remarks “Ubah, ubah” his term for the hoover. Out of the bath and dry, Jacob is not keen to have his nappy on and this brings on a few tears. Mum steps in and the nappy goes on and after a couple of stories read by grandpa, Jacob goes down in his cot.

We investigate online insurance prices until tiredness and nervous exhaustion take over. Sarah and I test load the Saab with Sarah’s Slimming World kit and then load up the Megane ready for tomorrow morning. By now it is getting dark. None of us is feeling particularly hungry and so Niki and I pack up our kit and head for Doubletrees in the Saab?.

Saturday 17 August 2013. Day 96.

We breakfast on porridge and mugs of coffee, completing the iPaper crossword as we do so. The weather is a mixed bag, one minute sunny the next raining.

Recognising that mum and dad have pasties for lunch on a Saturday I phone them and ask if it will be OK for us to join them for lunch. This is agreed, lunch at twelve thirty. Sarah and Jacob are at Polkyth for the morning Slimming World session.

The final piece of the car/van buying jigsaw should fall into place today at around three in the afternoon when we are to go back to the showroom where Sarah will test remove seats six and seven from the Doblo and conduct a second test drive of the vehicle.

Niki and I need to shop at Asda for some essentials and set off at a quarter to eleven to get this done. It is raining again and anticipating heavy slow moving traffic I opt to use the back roads around Tregrehan and get us into town quite smartly. Parking at Asda is predictably slow even though we identify someone who is leaving and wait for their space to become free. We buy just what we need from our list and exit the store and drive over to mum and dad’s.

Dad collars me in the garage where he has been painting wooden timber pieces with which he will batten down the re-felting of the roof of his chalet. He explains that he and mum got stressed by our stay when we were last here in June. I explain that I had intuitively sensed this and this was in part why we had opted to stay on the camp site where we are now staying. From this dad went on to ask me to look into aspects of IHT planning, power of attorney and also care implications.

In the house I set to and printed out the facts as they currently stand with regard to IHT. We all, dad and mum and I, with Niki present, discussed this.

Time as ever pressed in, Sarah had phoned to say that she and Jacob would be at Eden Cafe, just off Aylmer Square, for lunch. We agreed to meet there and the clock had raced to just after two. Repeated calls to Sarah got no response and so Niki and I drove down to the dealership where we parked up and I walked into town. At just before three as I was walking back, Sarah phoned and we agreed to meet at the car showroom.

There with the rain falling steadily the seat fitting/removal came under investigation. Sarah set off to conduct test drive number two and Niki, Jacob and I had fun pretending to drive a new Ka. The paperwork appeared and was signed. We left, Niki and I following Sarah and Jacob back to their house. I set to washing up the mugs that had been used during the morning session at Polkyth and then tried to get Sarah’s wifi printer working with her laptops. The old laptop works just fine with the printer the new one just does not want to play. Again with time pressing, we leave to go back to mum and dad’s.

There we sketch out a rudimentary order for Kung’s Chinese take away. Niki and I set off to buy the meal and when we return we all set to around the kitchen table. Chinese and red wine, it was delicious. Mum and dad also made a good fist of their first Chinese food in many a year! I marked up the copy of the menu that I picked up thinking that if mum and dad decide to try it again, they will be able to see what we all had and then be able to make an informed choice.

Niki mentioned earlier that she felt as if she was getting a cold. This worsened during the early evening and so at just after nine when the BBC programme about Margaret Thatcher finished, we head back to our camper and to bed.

Sunday 18 August 2013. Day 97.

I wake up at stupid o’clock and being unable to get back to sleep, choose to read. By seven I need to be up. Niki has got a full on cold and so at around eight I call mum and dad to let them know that we will not, as planned, be coming around for Sunday lunch. Mum is overcome with emotion bless her. We all know what the right thing to do is. Niki has had three colds this year, two of them mum has also picked up and as a result has become very unwell. This is an outcome we wish to avoid at all costs.

Dad phones back later and it is agreed that I will collect our lunches, meals on wheels style, around twelve thirty.

Jez texts and I phone him back, we agree that I will pop around to see him and his family at around ten. When I get there Jez is embroiled in an online computer shoot em up game. We discuss Sarah’s car and Jez wants to go for a drive in the Saab once he knows that it is here. We head off to Cuddra Aquatics to get pipe clamps for the repair to the camper. Whilst there Jez spots a replacement tap at only six pounds, a bargain when compared to the tap for sale on eBay at twenty six pounds!

Jez so wants a drive in the Saab I agree that he can drive back to his house. We set off up the LGV by-pass and Jez red lines the turbo leaving a Passat well behind us. A roundabout slows our progress and he then explores the acceleration up to the next roundabout. Having tested the car in this way he drives sedately towards their house, honking the horn outside of his friend Roy’s house as we pass.

Chatting about Kerbs new house sends us off on a diversion which then sends us off into town where I withdraw cash at Lloyds. Jez wants to get a mountain bike to join up with his mates for adventures cycling around the clay waste tips and other places of cycling interest.

We talk about the cycle to work scheme and Jez’ ideal bike, a Cube with front shocks and disc brakes. I offer to speak to Tass about bikes on Jez’ behalf.

Back at the house over a coffee we talk about mortgages and interest rates and swapping mortgages. All too soon I am heading away to mum and dad’s to pick up lunch.

Back at the van Niki and I chow down on delicious roast beef, horseradish sauce, roast potatoes, calibrese, cauliflower, carrots and swede. A delicious, probably the most delicious ever, meals on wheels. We laughingly remark that there is no pudding. When Niki later phones to thank mum and dad, mum remarks that she is sorry that she forgot to pack our puddings – strawberries and cream!

Sarah and Jacob have been at Lesley and Pete’s. It sounds as if Sarah has spent most of her time fending text messages from car sales manager Justin. Sarah calls around to the van. She needs to do a shop for the week and so she and I head off to Aldi with Jacob. Whilst we are there Jez phones. He is at Lesley and Pete’s, there is no one at home and a window is open and an extension lead is outside. “Where are they?” Sarah answers the question. “They have gone off to Bodmin to look at a car”.

I invite Jez to go up to the van and say that we will be back there shortly. Before going back to the van I phone again and take orders for ice-creams. We arrive back and all sit around eating ices or licking lollies. The only one of our number who misses out is Isaac. Maybe next year?
He is far from caring snuggled up in his mum’s arms. Jacob in contrast is doing a grand job with his Calipo ice lolly. He manages to consume it without spilling an orange drop!

Sarah heads over to Lesley’s after a short call confirms that Lesley and Pete are back. Using my debit card the transaction that will see Sarah insured to drive the Saab is completed. Meanwhile Jez, Jacob, Niki and I are busy flying the stunt kite. Avoiding the caravans and motorhomes is as nothing compared with the task of trying to keep the thing in the air. Four pounds well spent I’d say!

By six Nic and Jez are ready to be away. Jez takes the poor old Scenic down to park it up at Lesley and Pete’s. Sarah, Jacob and I head back to Penwithick in the Saab taking a little detour to St Blazey Filling station to fuel her up. Seventy five punds worth of fuel have the “Distance Till Empty”, DTE, indicator showing a range of four hundred and forty miles.

Heading gingerly back up through St Blazey Sarah and I are both startled by the horn of a passing Isuzu truck. This is Barrie who has spotted the Saab which formerly was his. Sarah knows that she will have to look after this vehicle or suffer Barrie’s wrath. I feel that Sarah wants to look after it anyway which is a good start.

Arriving at Penwithick Sarah has to rouse Jacob who has been unable to stay awake on the short drive home. It will be beans on toast for tea tonight.

Monday 19 August 2013. Day 98.

Niki’s cold has worsened throughout the night. The day starts sunny and looks set to continue. Shall we have a bbq with the children and grand-children today? Sarah has a date on Wednesday. I’m all for grabbing the opportunity presented by the weather, today, if Niki feels up to it.

Niki and I discuss the pro’s and con’s, I contact Jeremy and Sarah and a bbq is agreed. Looking around the van and also at John’s caravan I decide that it is time to dispense with the bugs and dirt that have signified our miles covered this trip. Armed with a bucket of sudsy water and my broom I wash down the bonnet and then the rear panel. Rinsing away the suds and the crud reveals the white paint beneath. I major on the bonnet area where the combination of dead flies and bugs proves hard to remove. The most stubborn marks though are those caused by the liquid asphalt we encountered when Ireland was experiencing its heat wave.

After lunch and armed with a list I head off to Asda to shop for our meal. As I arrive I sense something under my jacket, under my tee-shirt, next to my skin. Reaching in with a free hand I pull out a wasp and quickly throw it away! Initially I congratulate myself on my good fortune at not having been stung. However by the time I reached the entrance to the store I could feel the sting taking hold. Inside the door I met Nic who had been shopping with Isaac. After a brief chat she headed off home and I started working through my shopping list.

By the time I reached the check out I had filled one of the smaller shopping trollies and was pondering how I would manage to carry it all on the scooter. At the scooter my problems seemed to get bigger. I filled the rear top box. I filled a back pack and strapped it on. I filled the under seat compartment and still had two big bags of goodies left over.

Tying the tops of these bags I managed to balance one atop the other on the floorboards and secure the handles to the helmet holder under the front of the seat. With my feet half on and half off of the floor boards I set off back to the camp site. Niki was almost doubled up with laughter as she watched me unload the goodies from the scooter. Seldom has so much been carried by such a small machine.

Tuesday 20 August 2013.Day 99.

Niki has another rough night. Snuffling and blowing her nose occupied more time than sleep it seems. These colds might arrive via the youngest members of the family but they pack a senior punch it seems. Breakfast is a slow affair today, the crossword has some awkward clues and requires a lot of puzzling to resolve.

After porridge and coffee I set to on the side panels of the camper. Aside from the roof and the polishing that will be needed to remove any dirty marks before adding a protective layer of resin, this is all that need be done. The work proves to be long and equally arduous when compared to the tasks completed yeaterday.

The effect of staring at white panels whilst trying to discern what is clean and what is not clean is testing on the eyes. Using polarising sun glasses helps. Overhead a light aircraft is buzzing forwards and backwards out over St Austell Bay. I check it out on the internet and discover that the plane is being used to carry out a geological survey which is kind of reassuring.

Emails and telephone calls to gas cylinder installation suppliers prove fruitless.

A chat with mum on the phone has the evening meal resolved. It will be meals on wheels take two. Except that when I take the pyrex dishes home, one shatters in the top box of the scooter. Glass on glass does not stand the test of being bashed about as I drive over the detestable sleeping policemen dotted along the road leading into Bethel.

A roast pork supper followed by strawberries, raspberries and creme fraiche provides good cheer in the camp. A phone call to Lorraine sets up a meeting between mum, dad, Lorraine and I tomorrow. Then Sarah and I chat about the Saab. This leads me to take a cool trip on the scoot to Penwithick and a road test of the Saab. She predictably goes into fault mode just as I am thinking that she will not exhibit the fault for me.

Back at Sarah’s I read Rocky to Jacob before he gets into his cot for the night. Sarah and I peruse the Saab handbook and notes before agreeing that the car needs a service and having it plugged into a diagnostic set up would be informative. Common sense is tending towards Sarah having the Fiat once it has been fully prepared for her. The question that will then have to be answered is “What shall we do with the Saab?”.

Armed with a bottle of Tixylix for Niki’s cold / cough I head back to the van. A bottle of cider and an hour typing up the events of the last two days await. The decision I now have is shall I have another bottle of cider?